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Catholic Tradition

Bishop Fellay and John Salza

  1. John Salza Responds to Another Sedevacantist
  2. John Salza Responds to Fr. Harrison's Theory on Salvation for Protestants
  3. The Biblical Basis for Purgatory, conference talk by John Salza, J.D.
  4. John Salza v. Novus Ordo Apologist on Vatican II's Religious Liberty
  5. John Salza Responds to Fr. Harrison's Errors on Church Membership
  6. John Salza Responds to the Sedevacantists at
  7. Bellarmine against Saurez? Another Critical Error in the Sedevacantist Thesis, John Salza, J.D.
  8. Transcript of John Salza's Presentation "Church Membership and the Errors of Vatican II" (October 4, 2014)
  9. St. Thomas Aquinas and the Immaculate Conception, John Salza, J.D.
  10. The Bible and the Catholic Faith, conference talk by John Salza, J.D.
  11. Who is a Member of the Church? - John Salza, J.D.
  12. Questioning the Validity of the Canonizations of John XXIII and John Paul II, John Salza, J.D.
  13. John Salza v. Fr. Brian Harrison on the Canonizations of John XXIII and John Paul II
  14. Pope Francis, Archbishop Lefebvre and Sedevacantism
  15. John Salza Responds to John Gerardi
  16. John Salza vs. Blackaby on Mary the Mother of God
  17. John Salza vs.Fr. Harrison on the New Mass
  18. John Salza vs.May on the Papacy
  19. The Implications of the Novus Ordo as a New Rite of Mass
  20. John Salza vs. Jimmy Akin: Can an SSPX Priest Validly Hear Confessions?
  21. John Salza vs. Robert Moynihan: Is the SSPX in Schism? 
  22. John Salza vs. Warren Goddard on Baptism of Desire 
  23. John Salza vs. Fr. Brian Harrison on Religious Liberty, Part I 
  24. John Salza vs. Fr. Brian Harrison on Religious Liberty, Part II 
  25. Can Vatican II’s Teaching on Religious Liberty Be Reconciled with Tradition? - John Salza, J.D.
  26. John Salza Responds to the Lies, Errors and Hypocrisy of Sedevacantist Peter Dimond  - John Salza, J.D.
  27. The Errors of Sedevacantism  - John Salza, J.D.
  28. Sedevacantism and the Sin of Presumption  - John Salza, J.D.
  29. The Novus Ordo Mass and Divine Law - John Salza, J.D.
  30. “For many” versus “For all” – Is the Novus Ordo Consecration Valid?  - John Salza, J.D.
  31. Devotion to the Precious Blood and Heavenly Sacrifice of Christ, Part I  - John Salza, J.D.
  32. Devotion to the Precious Blood and Heavenly Sacrifice of Christ, Part II  - John Salza, J.D.
  33. Women’s Head Coverings and Ecclesiastical Tradition - John Salza, J.D.
  34. What is the Catholic Church’s Teaching on the Death Penalty? - John Salza, J.D.
  35. The Errors of the Protestant Rapture - John Salza, J.D.

  1. New "Sedevacantism, Fatima & Masonry" (John Salza) TCK Radio
  2. The Virtue of Chastity and Purity
  3. John Salza and Chris Ferrara - Current Issues in the Church, Part I
  4. John Salza and Chris Ferrara - Current Issues in the Church, Part II
  5. Interview with John Salza: Who is a Member of the Church?, Part I
  6. Interview with John Salza: Who is a Member of the Church?, Part II
  7. Program 55 Fatima Today: John Salza with John Vennari on Sola Scriptura 
  8. Program 56 Fatima Today: John Salza with John Vennari on Vatican II
  9. EMP Threats as Revealed in Third Secret
  10. Interview with John Salza: Using Scripture to Defend the Catholic Faith, Part I
  11. Interview with John Salza: Using Scripture to Defend the Catholic Faith, Part II
  12. John Salza Interviewed about the Canonizations of John XXIII and John Paul II

  1. The Society of Saint Pius X (Searching the Word, February 26, 2009) 
  2. The SSPX and Archbishop Lefebvre (Voice of Catholic Tradition, April 19, 2009) 
  3. Regarding the Society of St. Pius X (Voice of Catholic Tradition, November 22, 2009) 
  4. John's critique of George Weigel's article on the SSPX (Voice of Catholic Tradition, December 6, 2009) 
  5. Fatima, Ecumenism and Assisi (The Voice of Catholic Tradition, February 25, 2011) 
  6. John Salza on Vatican II and the Error of Religious Liberty (The Voice of Catholic Tradition, June 16, 2013)
  7. Interview with John Salza on the Limits of Papal Authority (The Voice of Catholic Tradition, March 30, 2014)